M.S(album version)

Google Plus photo Download the Google Play service app 1gram player 유튜브 삼성 프린터 매니저 유튜브 360도 영상

Download the Google Play service app Recorded Sounds from an performance work of Audio and Visual piece “M.S”.

M.S. Audio and Visual Performance
M.S. (2012) is a Audio Visual Performance set that using RBG matrix processing in realtime by Max and Jitter Google Plus photo.
It uses camera input to mesh shaping and sound processing in realtime.
Using generative audio and visual codings for A/V making.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytFOA7XxRG0 1gram player 유튜브 삼성 프린터 매니저 유튜브 360도 영상