Atm ///////////////// Performance 5 : Sound Artists

Date : 2017年12月24日(日) Seoul, Korea
Venue : 1pxoffline
Time: 21:00 open
Ticket: 20,000won
ARTISTS: Program:
Regulations : Dambi Kim, JY Cho, 민성식 (SungSig Min)
Multipletap : Katsuyoshi Kou, Fuyama Yousuke, Makoto Oshiro
Audiolog : 기술부
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atm ////////////// Audio Trading Manual is a platform for new music artists in which it offers various contents including performance, exhibition, seminar, and etc download u navi. This year, atm invites active musicians and sound artists from local and abroad to provide people an opportunity to enjoy different events for 6 consecutive days 미션임파서블 로그네이션.

The last program of atm is a collaborative performance of sound art collectives from Korea and Japan.
Korean experimental media performance event ‘Regulations’, Japanese noise performance collective ‘Multiple Tap’, and 기술부 of Audiolog will be joining the event to present experimental music performance 녹스게임 다운로드.


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Date : 2017年12月16日(土)
Venue : SOUP
Time: 18:30 open
Ticket: 2,000yen + 1Drink

・Tabletop Guitars + 片岡フグリ + 100take(Laser modular)
・HUH + Fuyama Yousuke
・Party Killers Download nature! (原田仁 + スッパマイクロパンチョップ + Shogo Haraguchi)

・yuki kaneko(polyphonic parachute/balen disc)
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