Atm ///////////////// Performance 5 : Sound Artists

Date : | 2017年12月24日(日) Seoul, Korea | |
Venue : | 1pxoffline | |
Time: | 21:00 open | |
Ticket: | 20,000won | |
Program: Regulations : Dambi Kim, JY Cho, 민성식 (SungSig Min) Multipletap : Katsuyoshi Kou, Fuyama Yousuke, Makoto Oshiro Audiolog : 기술부 more info FB atm ////////////// Audio Trading Manual is a platform for new music artists in which it offers various contents including performance, exhibition, seminar, and etc download u navi. This year, atm invites active musicians and sound artists from local and abroad to provide people an opportunity to enjoy different events for 6 consecutive days 미션임파서블 로그네이션. The last program of atm is a collaborative performance of sound art collectives from Korea and Japan. |