Kode9 listening session & Yousuke Fuyama performance

Date : | 2015年09月23日 (Wed) |
Venue : | The Lab,San Francisco |
Time: | 6:30-8:30pm |
Ticket : | Free |
– Kode9 – Yousuke Fuyama |
More Info: |
www.thelab.org This is a listening session to Kode9’s forthcoming album In collaboration with SubPac Download Hannibal Books. — Steve Goodman, known as Kode9 (born 1973) is a Glasgow-born, London-based electronic music artist, DJ, and owner of the Hyperdub record label. An MC, The Spaceape, was a frequent collaborator 퀘이크3. Initially inspired by what he calls the “hardcore continuum”, he also draws on dub reggae, and was one of the founding members of the early dubstep scene (which he views as a continuation of developments originally stemming from UK Hardcore) 윈도우10 익스플로러11. He appeared on the Grime compilation on Rephlex, and released two full-length albums: Memories of the Future and Black Sun (both featuring the Spaceape) on his own label Hyperdub 아파트 사진. Kode9 has a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Warwick and has published a book, Sonic Warfare: Sound, Affect, and the Ecology of Fear. — Yousuke Fuyama was born in Nagano, Japan in 1983 Unnoun Knights. Fuyama is currently a researcher at the Brain Machine Interface Department in Tokyo National University of Electro-Communication, focusing on the data conversion through various interfaces and programs ppsspp 철권7 다운로드. Fuyama won the first prize at Laptop Battles Tokyo Vol.4 (2008) and has been performing live concerts at several occasions and venues including Futura 2008 (France), International Festival for Arts and Media Yokohama 2009, DPG, Soundfollies, SonarSound Tokyo 2011 & 2012, EMAF Tokyo 2013 (Red Bull Music Academy), Sonic Acts 2013 (Netherlands), Seoul International Computer Music Festival 2013 (South-Korea), and OnSite 2013 (Taiwan) 안녕 티라노. Fuyama is currently a resident at the Varda Artist Residency program. |